Statue Water Features


4 Items



Our Asian Statues are based on the pogodas of China, Japan and other Asian countries. Bring a little bit of the Far East to your garden as a theme or as a standalone piece.


Our range of Mystical statues are based on the heads that made Easter Island famous. This iconic look is popular across the work as well as the mystery around them.


Massarelli Statues are a well known brand as they have a reputation for being very well made, durable and high quality. We have a selection of them here and you can be sure any purchase from this range will be in line with the high standards Massarelli have set over the years.


Animals Statues are another popular choice for gardens as they bring a bit of nature to gardens that we otherwise couldn't see. From creatures we know from the Irish countryside to animals from further afield these are well crafted and realistic and sure to add some life to any garden.