Fountain Water Features


31 Items

Water Fountains


Most people love to see a fountain in a garden; it’s a sign that someone cares enough to purchase something special, and it is a piece of architecture from days gone by.


Fountain is a Latin word ‘Fons’, which means a source of spring. They can be decorative and dramatic, and the birds welcome them with delight.


Fountains create a magical feel, like fairies and flowers. They are a wonderful addition to our outdoor space and create a focal point. They come in many shapes, sizes, materials and themes and will have your mind racing with excitement as you decide to plant daffodils around the edge of the fountain or poppies.


Choosing a fountain that enhances your garden is an important decision, and you should give this purchase a little thought and time. Fountains come in wood, concrete, fiberglass, ceramic, copper and metal. You can have tabletop fountains, floor fountains and wall fountains with themes of cherubs, angels or animals. You can enhance them by putting lights close by; to light them up at night, grow flowers alongside them, and even paint them white to stand out more in the garden.


All the great gardens in the world have a fountain, so why can’t you!


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